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Lab Will Care Log

This form serves as the log sheet for research personnel to indicate care (feed, water, cage change) provided to the animals. These are typically placed on the inside of the animal room door.

Labsan 230C

A citric acid detergent used to pretreat large animal equipment.

Labsan 256CPQ

A multi-purpose, neutral pH germicidal disinfectant and deodorant which is used to sanitize rooms. Use with light purple foamer tip.

  • Dilution .125 oz Labsan 256CPQ per 32 oz. water when using a 32 oz. spray bottle.

Laminar Flow Hood (LFH)

An enclosed workspace with a HEPA filter at the back or top of the unit that provides a controlled, clean workspace by directing a continuous, unidirectional flow of filtered air over the work surface. This airflow helps to prevent contamination of the animals by removing airborne particles, dust, and microorganisms from the room air as its pulled through the filters.

Large Animal

Mammals ranging in size from cat to calf (including NHPs), typically housed in pens or runs.

Large Animal Veterinary Advisory Team (LAVA)

Body of veterinary faculty overseeing care and use of large animals in research.

Large Breed Pig

Pig breeds developed for agriculture that, when fully grown, may reach sizes of approximately 400 – 800 lbs. Common examples include Yorkshire pigs, Hampshire pigs, Landraces, and Durocs.

Larval/Fry fish

0 to 29-day old fish.

Laying Hen

Hen bred specifically for egg laying.

Liquid Cycle

The autoclave cycle to be used for autoclave loads that contain any amount of liquids. This cycle must be used for all supplies coming out of containment housing rooms.


The mouthpiece of a water source leading into the cage made of a stainless steel tube that allows the animal free access to water.

Local Anesthetic

A local anesthetic is a drug that blocks sensation from a specific area of the body, such as lidocaine or bupivacaine.

Local Processor (LP)

Silver panel outside of rooms have the Edstrom system that displays information pertaining to the environmental conditions (e.g., humidity, light, temperature, etc.) in the room.

Long-Term Personnel

Long-Term Personnel are defined as individuals participating in a research or learning activity for more than 30 consecutive days (1 month) or more than 15 total days over a six-month period.

Loose Animal (Rodent)

Any mouse or rat that falls on the floor of the animal room or procedure room.