Animals Administered a Hazardous Substance Requiring Containment

Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine
Mar 24, 2023 12:00 am

Research activities may involve the administration of hazardous substances to laboratory animals. If not contained properly, these activities can negatively impact the health of research and animal care personnel as well as other animals dose. This document outlines procedures to be utilized by personnel working with animals exposed to hazardous substances in ABSL-2 containment rooms (not including radioactive materials, see Related Documents section). Some procedures described in this SOP may not be applicable for non-rodent species, contact ULAM husbandry supervisors for further information. Extra precautions must be taken at the time of substance administration due to the increased potential for human exposure. Individuals who may be at an increased risk or susceptibility to a hazardous substance must be identified through Environment Health & Safety's (EHS) medical surveillance process (e.g., pregnant women, immune compromised individuals). This SOP has been reviewed and approved by EHS with full consideration of all regulations. If further information is needed that is not found in this SOP, contact EHS. Any deviations from this SOP will need to be approved by EHS.

  • Responsibility

    1. ULAM Containment Coordinator: Has oversight over ULAM animal containment rooms and the use of hazardous substances in animal research.
    2. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC): The U-M committee that oversees and approves recombinant DNA and infectious disease research conducted at the University.
    3. Investigative personnel and ULAM personnel: Must be familiar with and follow the procedures outlined in this SOP and perform safety measures to minimize the risk of exposure to hazardous substances.
    4. Principal Investigator (PI): Must identify all hazardous substances and the potential hazards associated with each in the animal use protocol, and other responsibilities outlined in this SOP.
    5. EHS Personnel: Review all protocols involving the administration or exposure of a hazardous substance to an animal and determines whether containment housing is necessary.
  • Glossary Definitions

    * Note about animal housing cubicles: All statements within this SOP for "rooms" will apply to cubicles unless otherwise specified in this SOP.

    Animal Housing Cubicle

    A small, self-contained animal housing room constructed within a larger room.

    Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)

    A Biological Safety Cabinet is used to provide containment of splashes or aerosols that may be generated while working with hazardous substances or animals exposed to such substances. All direct manipulation of animals within a containment room must be conducted within a BSC. When used correctly, BSC's provide personnel, product, and environmental protection.


    To remove a known contaminant.

    Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)

    The U-M department responsible for ensuring safe work environments and practices for U-M employees, including personnel safety in animal and laboratory areas.

    Hazardous Chemical

    A chemical for which there is evidence that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. Examples include carcinogens, teratogens, and corrosives.

    HEPA Filter

    High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters remove 99.97% of all particles 0.3 μm in size.

    Infectious Substance (Biologic Substance)

    A live organism (e.g. virus, bacteria, rickettsia, fungi, parasite) capable of causing disease in humans/animals, human/animal tissue (normal or diseased) including all human-derived substances.

    Infectious / Chemical Substance Form

    Form that describes the infectious or chemical hazard for each investigator, located in a binder within the containment housing or procedure room.


    An animal that has not been administered an infectious hazard, human derived substance, or chemical hazard/toxin.

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

    Public law that includes the proper management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal.


    An antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin, especially one produced by or derived from microorganisms and causing disease when present at low concentration in the body.

  • General Containment Housing Communication and Procedures

    1. Requesting Animal Containment Housing

    1. Prior to handling animals, caging, or equipment in a containment room, all personnel (ULAM and non-ULAM personnel) must attend the IACUC/ULAM-required "Hazard Containment" courses.
    2. Investigative personnel complete the Containment Housing Request Form (CHR) within their eRAM protocol.
    3. The ULAM husbandry supervisors responsible for the requested containment housing area will receive an electronic copy of the CHR form.
    4. Requests for containment housing must be made at the time when  the animal order is submitted for animals ordered directly into containment housing, or at least 3 business days before animals are placed in the containment room.
    5. ULAM Husbandry Supervisor Actions:
      1. Reviews EHS's recommendations within the eRAM protocol when a laboratory requests to initiate a study in ULAM containment housing and directs any questions or discrepancies to EHS.
      2. Confirm all investigative personnel needing access to containment housing have completed all required training classes.
      3. Notify investigative personnel of containment room space availability including room number and combination for the containment housing room.
      4. The ULAM Husbandry Supervisor completes Infectious and/or Chemical Substance Forms for the designated containment procedure and animal housing room.
      5. Refer to Appendix A if setting up a new containment housing room.
    6. Access to containment rooms is limited to personnel who have completed the required training through the Training Core, facility orientation with ULAM husbandry personnel, and are required to conduct study or husbandry related functions.

    2. Containment Room Documentation

    1. Contact the ULAM husbandry supervisors for the animal facility to obtain the appropriate Room Entry Sign. Post a Containment Room Entry Procedure Sign on the outside of each containment housing, cubicle, and designated procedure room.
    2. Post an Incident and Near Miss Sign (see Appendix B) in each containment housing room and designated procedure room. 
    3. Each containment housing and designated containment procedure room will have a binder present with the following information included:
      1. Binder Cover Pages (see Appendix C)
      2. Infectious and/or Chemical Substance Forms specific to each protocol that contain special instructions for handling, labeling, and waste disposal (see Appendices D and E respectively).
        1. Infectious Substance Form will include instructions for handling rodent pathogens.
      3. Pathogen Safety Data Sheet (PSDS) provided by EHS with links to information on infectious hazards (see Appendix F).
      4. SDS locator sign 
      5. EHS Universal Precaution sheet 
      6. Copy of this SOP
    4. A Containment Room Entry Sign must remain posted on animal housing and cubicle room doors until the room is emptied of all animals and the room is decontaminated.
      1. See Appendix G if there are non-hazardous studies housed within a containment cubicle suite.

    3. Personal Protective Equipment Requirements

    1. The following PPE requirements are for rodents only. See Appendices H and I respectively for PPE requirements for non-rodent species.
    2. Don all protective clothing, except eye protection, before entering the housing or designated containment procedure room. Don eye protection immediately after entering housing or designated containment procedure room.
    3. Minimally required PPE for working in containment rooms/cubicles include:
      1. Disposable waterproof plastic gown
      2. Shoe covers
      3. Gloves (latex or nitrile)
      4. Protective safety glasses, goggles, or face shield. Prescription glasses cannot be used in place of safety glasses (goggles must be placed over prescription glasses).
      5. Additional PPE will be available inside the room in the event that any PPE items need to be changed.
    4. If an employee is unable to wear PPE as required, see EHS Animal Handler PPE Chart for instruction.
  • Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices

    1. General Considerations

    1. Unless otherwise directed in this document, animal care procedures should be performed as per ULAM standard operating procedures.
    2. Animals administered hazardous chemicals, toxins, and/or infectious substances can be housed in the same containment room.
    3. Changing PPE between cubicles within a suite is not required when personnel are performing only animal health checks; as long as no potentially contaminated equipment is manipulated and no animal cages are opened.
    4. Husbandry personnel are required to change scrubs after working in a containment housing room if cages have been opened.
      1. See Entry and Exiting Animal Housing Areas for more information.
    5. Prior to manipulating cages, wipe the interior surface of the BSC with wet paper towel or something comparable to remove any organic debris present.  Then sanitize the BSC with Clidox or a freshly prepared bleach/water solution by wetting and then wiping the horizontal work surface as well as side and back walls with gloved hands
    6. Allow disinfectant a 10-minute contact time before working in the BSC.
    7. Do not mix bleach or Clidox with ammonia or acids.
    8. Open and perform all cage manipulations within the BSC only.
    9. Even within the BSC, two cages containing animals must not be opened at the same time. Exceptions are when naïve, new arrival animals are unpacked into their caging or separating/weaning animals.
    10. Allow a 10-minute contact time between different infectious or biological substances (Sanitization between chemical substance is required without the 10-minute contact time).
    11. Change gowns and gloves and sanitize the BSC with Clidox or bleach water, between cubicles, Principal Investigators or different hazardous substances if:
      1. Working with cages from different cubicles.
      2. Working within a cubicle, but animals belong to different Principal Investigators.
      3. Working within a cubicle, but animals are administered different hazardous substances.

    2. Appropriate Animal Caging and Bedding

    1. House rodents that have been administered hazardous substances in solid-bottom cages.
    2. See Appendices H and I respectively for containment procedures for non-rodent species.

    3. Hazard Identification on Animal Cages and Cage Cards (infectious substances, hazardous chemicals, and toxins)

    1. Identify hazardous substances on an appropriate sticker indicating biological, infectious, or chemical substances applied to (see Appendix J):
      1. An additional card placed vertically behind the original cage card
      2. A yellow acetate placed over the cage card
    2. Place the following information directly on one of the identification methods listed above:
      1. Full name of the substance
      2. Date administered
    3. For human-derived substances, investigative personnel records the date and human derived substances (HDS) on an orange infectious hazard sticker.
    4. Naïve animals
      1. Place a yellow acetate stating “Tier 1” when cages are placed in the housing room (see Appendix J).
      2. Remove the yellow acetate when animals are administered a hazardous substance or the cages are removed from the room.
    5. Ensure per diem for each cage reflects the containment rate. See ULAM Husbandry Supervisor if you have any questions.
    6. Investigative personnel must place a colored, pre-printed, dissolvable sticker in a visible location on the cage bottom indicating the type of hazard (biologic substance or hazardous chemical and toxin) (see Appendix J).
      1. Orange stickers indicate the presence of a biological (infectious) substance.
      2. Green stickers indicate the presence of a hazardous chemical or toxin.
    7. Animals that are weaned or separated from another cage will be labeled with the same information and sticker that is on the originated cage.

    4. Containment Husbandry Practices

    1. Provide food and water and report all animal health issues according to the species-specific husbandry SOPs.
    2. Handle animals according to the species-specific husbandry SOPs
    3. Water Bottle Procedures:
      1. From a bottle containing a chemical hazard:
        1. Place a green dissolvable sticker directly on a water bottle containing a hazardous substance (see Appendix J).
        2. Record the full substance name and the date of administration on the dissolvable sticker on the water bottle.
        3. Identify and include information about the chemical hazard on the cage card using one of the methods above (see Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices section 3).
        4. It is permissible to refill water bottles containing the same hazardous substance between water bottle sanitization periods. Return the bottle to the cage from which it came if bottle is being refilled.
        5. Change water bottles at least once every week.
        6. Collect any hazardous waste water as described in Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 12.c.vii.
        7. Place empty, soiled water bottles in a wire bottle basket placed inside a green cloth laundry bag.
          1. Tape ends of draw strings to the top of the laundry bag.
          2. Place a dissolvable green chemical hazard sticker on top of the tape.
      2. From a chemical hazard cage not containing hazard
        1. Place soiled water bottles in a wire bottle basket placed inside a green cloth laundry bag.
          1. Tape ends of draw strings to the top of the laundry bag.
          2. Place a dissolvable green chemical hazard sticker on top of the tape.
      3. From infectious hazard cages
        1. Place an orange dissolvable sticker directly on a water bottle containing a hazardous substance (see Appendix J).
        2. Record the full substance name and date of administration on the dissolvable sticker on the water bottle.
        3. Include information about the infectious substance on the cage card using one of the methods above (see Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices section 3).
        4. It is permissible to refill water bottles containing the same hazardous substance between water bottle sanitization periods. Return bottle to the cage from which it came if bottle is being refilled.
        5. Change water bottles at least once every week.
        6. Place soiled infectious water bottles, either containing the infectious hazard or from an infectious hazard cage, in a wire bottle basket placed inside a red cloth laundry bag.
          1. Tape ends of draw strings to the top of the laundry bag using autoclave tape.
          2. Place a dissolvable orange biological hazard sticker on top of the autoclave tape.
        7. See Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 12.b.vii for disposal procedures.
    4. Special considerations for ventilated housing procedures
      1. Infectious and chemical hazard cages can be housed on ventilated racks with supply and exhaust blower packs only, no building ventilation.
      2. Clean rack filters either in the room with soap and water or by processing through cage wash.
      3. Cover dirty rack with plastic bag and place biohazard sticker on it before taking to cage wash for processing. Spray rack wheels with bleach water or Clidox before removing rack from room.
        1. Autoclave ventilated housing racks, with water valves in place, before processing through cage wash in facilities with a bulk autoclave.
        2. Spray ventilated housing rack with bleach water, removing water valves, before taking to cage wash for processing in facilities without bulk autoclaves.
      4. Process water recoil hoses (pigtails) and blower hoses through cage wash when racks are changed out. Spray with bleach water before taking to cage wash.
      5. Discard blower HEPA filters, if changed, as infectious trash.
        1. Wipe down outside of blower packs with bleach water or Clidox if blower packs are moved to a standard housing room.
      6. Water valves
        1. Replace soiled water valves with clean valves when new cages are placed on the rack due to the risk of cross contamination if a new cage is placed into a spot with a soiled water valve.
        2. See Procedures section 2.c in Rodent Equipment Maintenance and Sanitization for handling of soiled water valves.
          1. Autoclave water valves prior to processing through cage wash.
    5. Animal Cage Procedures:
      1. Use of forceps is required in containment housing rooms when manipulating mice.
      2. Refer to yellow acetates on cages for cage manipulation order (see Appendix K). Follow cage change order below for each housing room or individual cubicle.
        1. Tier 1 = Cages with “naïve animals”.
        2. Tier 2 = Rodent infectious substances that are NOT a concern to the general colony as determined by the RHST veterinarian.
        3. Tier 3 = Chemical hazards, human derived substances, and non-rodent infectious hazards. These cages will not have yellow acetates.
        4. Tier 4 = Rodent infectious substances that are a concern to the general colony as determined by the RHST veterinarian.
      3. Change bedding in cages using slow and deliberate movements to minimize the creation of aerosols.
      4. Infectious Cages: Cover any cage removed from the BSC prior to removal or immediately upon removal.
        1. Cover the top cage in a stack with a micro-isolator top or place a plastic bag over the entire stack.
        2. A short stack of soiled cages can be maintained inside the BSC.
        3. Cover the stack inside the BSC.
        4. Cover all other cage components prior to removal from the BSC (e.g., wires, bowls, enrichment items).
      5. Chemical Cages:
        1. Remove bedding from cages using a plastic scraper.
          1. Close waste bag within the BSC between cages that are being scraped.
        2. Bag dirty bedding and place in a secondary labeled EHS approved waste container. 
        3. Remove cages and cage components from the BSC (covering these once bedding is removed is not necessary).
      6. Remove all soiled cage and cage components from the cubicle during regular business days. Refer to Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 12 for more information.
    6. Sweep and mop containment rooms/suites with bleach solution a minimum of once per week or as needed. See Appendix L for bleach recipe.
      1. One mop and bucket can be used in all cubicles and the anteroom within a containment suite.
      2. Cleaning supplies from the containment area must always remain in the containment area.
    7. Decontaminate rooms when emptied. Consult the ULAM document, Room Sanitization SOP. The Containment Room Entry Sign should remain posted after all animals are removed from the room until room decontamination is complete.

    5. Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) Procedures

    1. ULAM husbandry personnel, sweep pre-filters in the BSC weekly and change them as needed. Discard pre-filters into the infectious trash. Lightly mist the pre-filters with a bleach solution or Clidox prior to sweeping. Pre-filters should not be vacuumed unless a specially designed HEPA filtered vacuum is used. Dispose of waste collected from the pre-filters as chemical trash.
    2. HEPA filters within the BSC must not be wetted or swept at any time. HEPA filters will be serviced or removed only by EHS.
    3. EHS performs annual certification of all BSCs. The date of the most recent inspection is indicated on a sticker placed on the cabinet by EHS.
    4. Contact EHS before moving a BSC more than 10 feet and/or through a doorway to determine if recertification of the BSC is necessary.

    6. Hazardous Substance Administration and Equipment Decontamination

    1. Administer hazardous substances in the BSC only.  
    2. Perform animal perfusions using proper ventilation such as downdraft tables or within the BSC.
    3. Use only hypodermic needles and syringes for injection or aspiration of fluids from laboratory animals and diaphragm bottles.
    4. Use a needle-locking syringe or disposable needle/syringe units (i.e., the needle is integral to the syringe) for injections or aspiration of hazardous substances.
      1. Do not bend, shear or replace needles in the needle cap or guard.
      2. Do not remove the needle from the syringe following use.
      3. Place the uncapped needle and syringe in a puncture-resistant container (sharps container).
    5. Decontaminate or discard equipment immediately after use and before removal from the containment room. Equipment may include:
      1. Restrainers, glassware, instruments, anesthesia machines, or any equipment utilized during substance administration or handling animals after substance administration.
      2. Decontaminate with Clidox or bleach solution and allow a 10-minute contact time.
      3. Consult EHS for guidance in choosing appropriate deactivation procedures for equipment exposed to hazardous chemicals.

    7. Transport of Animals from Containment Rooms

    1. Outside the Vivarium
      1. The following procedures are for hazardous animals only.
        1. Place the animals in a clean housing cage (provided in each containment room).
          1. Place rats housed in the 1800 cages into standard #3 rat cages for transport (less than 24 hours).  Rats must be placed back into 1800 cages when returned to the containment housing room. See Maximum Housing Densities for Mouse and Rat Cages for how many rats can be placed in a #3 rat cage for transport.
          2. Place a dissolvable sticker on the housing cage appropriate for the type of hazard administered and wipe the outside of the cage with a suitable disinfectant within the BSC.
        2. Leave all dirty caging in the containment room/cubicle covered with a plastic bag or with a micro-isolation filter lid covering the cage parts.
        3. Secure cages in which animals are being transported (e.g., rubber bands stretched over cage top and bottom, tape wrapped around the cage top and bottom).
        4. Place housing cages in a rigid, sealed, secondary transport container.  
          1. Place a sufficient amount of absorbent material in the secondary transport container prior to movement.
          2. Avoid public passenger elevators when possible.
        5. Wipe outside of cage with a suitable disinfectant before transporting back to the housing room.
        6. Wipe any carts used during transport with an appropriate disinfectant following transport.
        7. Place secondary transport containers in the containment room (or appropriate location in BSRB cage wash) following transport for routine cage wash sanitizing.
        8. If a spill occurs in the secondary transport container, see Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices section 13.
      2. Decontaminating housing cages
        1. Secure the cage (e.g., rubber bands stretched over cage top and bottom, tape wrapped around the cage top and bottom) to prevent a loss of contents.
        2. Return empty housing cages to the original containment room for proper processing.
          1. Except in BSRB, these cages should never be placed directly into a cage wash facility. Contact BSRB Husbandry Supervisors for information on the appropriate way to return dirty housing cages.
      3. If a spill occurs during transport, see Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices section 13.
    2. Inside the Vivarium
      1. Animals may only be transferred to a standard (non-containment) animal room with prior approval given at the time of protocol review, as noted in the EHS recommendations within the eRAM protocol.
        1. Place animals into a clean housing cage (provided in each containment housing room) and wipe the outside of the cage with a suitable disinfectant within the BSC.
          1. A dissolvable sticker does not need to be placed on the cage bottom.
          2. Ensure the per diem for each cage reflects the standard housing rate. See ULAM husbandry supervisors if you have questions.
      2. Animals transferred to ULAM designated containment procedure rooms do not need to be placed in a clean housing cage.
        1. Wipe the outside of the cage with a suitable disinfectant before removing the cage from the housing room.
      3. Before moving to non-ULAM managed procedure rooms (e.g., Imaging Core), consult EHS and core supervisor.
    3. For larger and/or non-rodent species, or for circumstances not described above, contact the ULAM faculty veterinarian and husbandry supervisor for transportation guidance.

    8. Animal Escape Procedures

    1. See Procedures for Loose Mice and Rats.
    2. Mop floor with bleach water after animal is captured.
    3. Report incident to ULAM husbandry supervisor. ULAM husbandry supervisor will notify EHS at if a live trap has to be set or the animal has caused an injury to personnel. ULAM husbandry supervisor will also notify relevant investigative personnel to whom the animal belongs, if identifiable.

    9. Disposition of Animals in an Emergency

    1. Maintain animals within appropriately controlled environmental conditions to safeguard both animal welfare and research integrity.
    2. In the event that animal housing room conditions cannot be appropriately maintained such as in the event of flood, fire or prolonged power failure:
      1. Do not remove animals from the facility.
      2. Follow euthanasia procedures (refer to Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 10), if acceptable environmental conditions cannot be maintained.

    10. Animal Euthanasia and Carcass Disposal

    1. Euthanize all animals in containment housing within the containment room or designated space.
      1. Contact the faculty veterinarian regarding euthanasia of large animals administered hazardous substances.
    2. ULAM will provide carbon dioxide euthanasia stations in containment areas in which animals will be euthanized by this means within the room. CO2 euthanasia must be performed inside the BSC.
      1. If a euthanasia station is not available in the containment area, refer to the posted sign (Appendix M) for alternate euthanasia location.
    3. Clean gross debris from euthanasia equipment with an appropriate disinfectant after use.
    4. Spray/wipe down euthanasia station components with appropriate disinfectant after use or as needed.
    5. See Documenting, Disposal and Reporting Animal Deaths for information on labeling and disposing of hazardous animal carcasses.

    11. Departing the Containment Room

    1. Remove and discard PPE immediately into the appropriate EHS approved waste container for that hazard prior to departing a containment room or cubicle; See waste procedures in Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 14 below.
    2. Sanitize eye protection prior to exiting the room.
    3. Sanitize room door handle prior to exiting if door was opened with gloved hands, e.g., to retrieve supplies kept in the hallway.
    4. Use hand sanitizer prior to exiting the room.
    5. Wash hands after handling animals and before leaving the area where hazardous substances and/or animals are housed or manipulated

    12. Disposal of Contaminated Food, Water, Filters and Bedding

    1. Check all empty animal cages prior to transporting to cage wash to ensure no animals are inadvertently left in them.
    2. Infectious substances:
      1. Autoclave cages, water bottles, other cage components, and compatible equipment contaminated with infectious substances prior to release to cage wash personnel for routine sanitization.
        1. Refer to Monitoring Effectiveness of Autoclaves SOP for procedures on autoclaving hazardous waste.
      2. Bag cages and cage components, wall filters or waste with commercially produced clear biohazard bags or paper bags, add a biohazard label and seal. Paper bags cannot be used if it would be reasonably expected that a liquid may be present that would contact the bag.
        1. Label bags with the date and name of the person packing the bag.
        2. For investigative personnel approved to leave biohazard caging in dirty side cage wash (BSRB, MSRB), label the caging with the date and name of the person dropping off the caging with the marker provided
      3. Autoclave cages with soiled bedding in place.
      4. Autoclave food with caging.
        1. Do not autoclave high fat chow in cages, wires, or feeders.
        2. Collect any high fat chow in a plastic bag inside the BSC, then place the bag in the infectious hazard trash to be autoclaved.
      5. Transport through the hallways within a facility to reach the autoclave.
      6. Bag cages in a brown paper bag, place on a mobile shelving unit and shrink wrap prior to transport between facilities to reach the autoclave, (i.e. via ULAM Truck Service).
        1. Remove shrink wrap prior to autoclaving.
      7. Transport water bottles in a wired bottle basket placed inside a red cloth laundry bag labeled with a dissolvable biohazard sticker and sealed with autoclave tape (see Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 4.b.iii).
        1. If transporting on the truck, covered bottle baskets need to be placed inside a container that will collect any water that may spill.
      8. When autoclaving infectious hazard cage components is not feasible (e.g., autoclave not functioning, unable to keep up with processing demands), chemical decontamination can be used.
        1. Rodent caging
          1. Remove food and soiled bedding from cages within the BSC and place in a plastic bag.
          2. Place plastic bag into a fiber drum and label with an orange biohazard sticker for HazMat collection.
          3. Cover caging, label on all sides with orange biohazard stickers prior to transport through the hallways. Move caging directly to cage wash for processing.
          4. Cover large equipment (e.g. racks) and label on all sides with biohazard stickers prior to transport through the hallways. Move equipment directly to cage wash for processing.
          5. See Procedures for Working in Cage Wash Facilities for further information.
    3. ​​​Hazardous Chemicals or Toxins:
      1. DO NOT autoclave waste from animals administered a hazardous chemical or toxin.
      2. Refer to Appendix N for list of chemical substances that cannot be combined for HazMat disposal.
        1. If the hazardous chemical or toxin is not on the list in Appendix N, the waste can be handled and labeled as described in the Environmental Hazards Administered in Food and Water in Standard Rodent Housing Rooms SOP.
        2. If the hazardous chemical or toxin is on the list in Appendix N.
          1. The waste cannot be moved to a central collection location and must be collected by EHS from the containment housing room.
          2. Solid and liquid waste are collected in individual pails for each specific substance.
          3. Label any dirty cages or cage components being left in the containment housing room with the RCRA substance name using a washable marker so that appropriate waste collection and decontamination procedures can be followed.
          4. Sharps are collected in separate sharps containers for each specific substance.
          5. Label all collection pails with a yellow hazardous waste label.
            1. Complete the section for Hazardous Characteristics based on the information in the EHS Safety Findings within the IACUC approved animal use protocol.  Check “other” if no information is provided.
        3. See ULAM husbandry supervisor to obtain hazardous waste stickers and waste manifests appropriate for the hazardous chemical or toxin being collected for HazMat disposal.
      3. Remove soiled bedding and food gently from cages or pans prior to moving them to the cage wash for routine sanitizing.
        1. Use a HEPA filtered bedding dump station or BSC.
      4. Remove wall filters, place in clear biohazard bags, and autoclave filters after removal.
      5. Collect all solid wastes (bedding, and disposable supplies) from the animal room in EHS approved containers.
      6. Empty chemically contaminated food into EHS approved container in the animal room. Label with EHS hazardous waste sticker indicating name of chemical, and manifest number on the hazardous waste sticker.
      7. Pour waste water contaminated with a hazardous chemical or toxin into a water-tight EHS approved primary liquid waste container labeled with EHS hazardous waste sticker indicating name of chemical and manifest number on the hazardous waste sticker.
        1. Place water bottles inside a wire bottle basket placed inside a green cloth laundry bag, labeled with a dissolvable chemical hazard sticker. Transport to cage wash for routine sanitizing.
        2. Secondary containment of chemical hazard caging is not required if transporting on the ULAM truck.
      8. Place primary containers into secondary containers, e.g., fiber drum, 5-gallon pail.
      9. Complete a "Waste Manifest" Form for HazMat pickup of solid and liquid waste.  Once pickup is scheduled, the Waste Manifest Form must accompany or remain in close proximity to the container at all times.
      10. Indicate the following information on the Hazardous Waste Manifest:
        1. EPA ID no.: The appropriate number for the building generating the waste can be found by contacting EHS HazMat at (734)763-4568.
        2. Manifest Document #: Number found on the upper right corner of the "Waste Manifest" document.
        3. Name: Note "ULAM"
        4. Room number
        5. Building
        6. Chemical Description: Full chemical name
        7. Contents of the container (solid or liquid).
      11. Contact EHS for pick-up when the container is full.
    4. Infectious substances AND hazardous chemicals or toxins:
      1. Handle items as described in Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 12.b above with the exception that cages are dumped only within a BSC, not the HEPA filtered bedding dump station.
      2. Remove wall filters, place in a clear biohazard bag and autoclave after removal.
      3. Affix a biohazard sticker and hazardous waste sticker to EHS approved secondary container.
      4. Complete a Waste Manifest Form for the secondary container, include the list of all substances included in receptacle, and contact EHS as described in Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 12.b.x above.
      5. Follow procedures for infectious waste disposal as described above for dirty cage components.

    13. Spills of Hazardous Substances

    1. Work surfaces must be decontaminated after hazardous substance spills.
    2. Report spills that occur outside of the BSC to the ULAM Husbandry Supervisor and EHS (734)647-1143. If ULAM Husbandry Supervisor cannot be reached, contact the ULAM Business Office ((734)764-0277) during business hours or contact DPSS (734)763-1131 after hours.
    3. For spills that happen within the BSC, wipe up with absorbent towels and dispose of in the appropriate EHS approved waste container for the type of hazard that spilled.
    4. Spills that personnel are not comfortable handling can be referred to EHS for assistance.
    5. Reminder: All preparation of materials must be completed in the lab and concentrated materials must not be taken to animal housing or procedure rooms.
    6. Procedures for Spills from Routine Husbandry Care (non-concentrated spills)
      1. Soiled bedding
        1. Sweep up soiled bedding and place in appropriate waste container (biological or chemical).
        2. Dispose of soiled bedding containing biological and chemical substances in the chemical waste container.
      2. Liquid waste
        1. Within the BSC
          1. Wipe up liquid spills with paper towel and place in the appropriate waste container (biological or chemical).
        2. Outside the BSC
          1. Wipe up biological substance spills with paper towel and place in the biological waste container.
          2. Wipe up chemical substance spills with paper towel and place in the chemical waste container. 
          3. Wipe up combined biological and chemical substance spills and place in a separate container affixed with a yellow hazardous waste label indicating “unknown”.
      3. Decontaminate biological substance spill area with bleach water or Clidox.
    7. Decontaminate chemical substance spill area with soap and water.

    14. Waste Procedures within Containment Rooms

    1. Place all non-sharp, disposable materials believed to be free of contamination with a hazardous substance in infectious waste containers within the containment room.
      1. If an infectious waste container is not present within the containment room (i.e., only chemical hazards are present), place non-sharp, disposable materials believed to be free of contamination with a hazardous substance in the chemical hazard waste container.
    2. Separate, covered, waste containers must be maintained and clearly labeled for each type of hazardous substance (e.g., infectious substances or hazardous chemicals and toxins) present within a room or suite.
    3. Place waste suspected to be contaminated in the appropriate infectious or hazardous chemical labeled waste containers.
    4. Line re-useable waste containers with a water impervious bag (e.g., plastic bag). Clear biohazard bags can be used to contain infectious contaminated materials; biohazard bags should not be used to contain waste contaminated with a chemical or toxin.
    5. Waste containers containing materials used when working with infectious substances:
      1. Seal the clear biohazard waste bag or other appropriate waste liner when it is three quarters full.
      2. Remove it from the waste container, place it in a brown bag (or clear biohazard bag), affix a biohazard label; and take it to an autoclave for decontamination.
    6. Waste containers containing materials used when working with a hazardous chemical:
      1. Seal the waste liner when it is three quarters full.
      2. Label waste container with all chemicals that may be present.
      3. Remove it from the waste container and immediately place it in an EHS approved waste container located within the containment housing or designated procedure room, label it with a hazardous waste label and indicate the type(s) of hazards it contains.
        1. If the EHS approved waste container is located in a different room, place waste liner in a second plastic bag and place a chemical hazard sticker on the outside of the second plastic bag when transporting through the hall.
      4. Follow hazardous chemical or toxin disposal procedures in Standard Husbandry and Substance Administration Practices​ section 12.c above.
      5. Single use plastic barrels can be used in place of reusable waste containers. At the time of use, each barrel must be appropriately labeled with a hazardous waste label and indicate the type of hazard it contains. Once full, these barrels should be sealed and released with documentation (i.e., completed waste manifest) to EHS HazMat for disposal.
    7. Place all waste that had contact with infectious and hazardous chemicals in the hazardous chemical or toxin waste container.
    8. For broken glass:
      1. Place into separate labeled collection bin (i.e., not waste containers) for either biological or chemical hazards.
      2. Place broken glass contaminated with both a biological and chemical hazard into the chemical broken glass collection bin.
      3. Contact the ULAM husbandry supervisor if broken glass containers are not present.
    9. Remove and decontaminate or dispose of waste from waste containers at least once a week or as needed.
    10. Sharps Containers
      1. Separate sharps containers with rotor lids must be maintained and clearly labeled for each type of hazardous substance (e.g., infectious substances or hazardous chemicals and toxins) present within a room or suite.
      2. Label these appropriately with the collection start date and room number.
        1. Label sharps containers containing chemicals with a chemical hazard sticker, hazardous waste label and indicate the type(s) of hazards it contains.
      3. ULAM husbandry personnel replaces and appropriately disposes of the containers when full or has been in place for 60 days.
      4. Contact EHS for sharps container pick-up.

    15. Storage of Hazardous Materials

    1. Infectious materials must not be stored in ULAM managed areas.
    2. Label all chemical materials stored in ULAM managed areas with the name of the item, PI name, expiration date, and chemical hazard sticker.
      1. Investigative personnel are responsible for checking expiration dates of any items stored in ULAM managed areas.
    3. Secondary containment of diets, water, and other substances containing a chemical hazard is not required in coolers, designated procedure rooms, or housing rooms.
    4. Secondary containment of diets, water, and other substances containing a chemical hazard is required if items will be transported to a different location from where it is stored.
    5. Diet, water, and other substances containing a chemical hazard may be stored within the food storage coolers located in ULAM managed areas.
      1. Identify the cooler as a place to store items containing a chemical hazard.
      2. Place a chemical hazard sticker or symbol on outside of the cooler door.
      3. Indicate storage only; Procedures must not occur in this space.
    6. Storage of diets, water, and other substances containing chemical hazards in the procedure room.
      1. For procedure rooms not approved for use:
        1. Post a chemical sticker or symbol on the refrigerator or room to indicate "storage only".
        2. Procedures must not occur in this space.
  • Appendix A: Hazard Containment Room Needs

  • Appendix B: Incident and Near Miss Sign

  • Appendix C: Binder Cover Page

  • Appendix D: Infectious Substance Form

  • Appendix E: Chemical Substance Form

  • Appendix F: Pathogen Safety Data Sheet (PSDS) Page

  • Appendix G: Checklist for Non-Hazardous Animals Housed in a Containment Cubicle Suite

  • Appendix H: Husbandry Procedures for Chickens and Rabbits Requiring Containment Housing

  • Appendix I: Husbandry Procedures for Pigs, Dogs and Sheep Requiring Containment Housing

  • Appendix J: Labeling Cages and Bottles

  • Appendix K: Rodent Cage Change Order (Note: print on 11 x 14)

  • Appendix L: Spor Klenz, Clidox and Bleach Dilutions


  • Appendix N: List of RCRA Regulated Waste

  • Appendix O: Personnel Contact Information